Stop Complaining for 7 Days
So I’m reviewing a book called “50 Prosperity Classics“, which is basically a set of Cliffs Notes on 50 awesome prosperity-related books. While I’ll review the book in a different post (hint: it’s worth the money), I wanted to write about an interesting concept.
While I only read the summary, apparently T. Harv Eker wrote in “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” that complaining is bad. Who would have thought. In fact, many books talk about bad attitudes and how they affect your prosperity. Eker actually calls a complainer a “crap magnet”.
Basically, there’s a “law of attraction” in the universe. If you think positive thoughts, then positive things come to you. And if you think negatively, you get crap. There’s much more to this whole law of attraction thing, and you can read more in the list of books down below, but I decided to try out something that Eker recommends:
Don’t complain verbally or mentally for 7 days
So since October 6th, I’ve refrained from complaining and I’ve already noticed an improvement in my work ethic and even my coworkers’ attitudes. While we all still have pretty low morale on our contract, at least there’s one less person stoking the proverbial fire.
But I also noticed that I’m actually talking much less too. I never knew that so much of my speech (and thoughts) were complaining, whether about work, school, traffic, the pool or pretty much any animate or inanimate thing in the universe. But I know that I can still improve. I’m still critical about things without also thinking of and acting on improvements. The main thing here is that if you’re going to complain, you need to act on it to make it better. Otherwise, you’re just producing negative energy, not attracting positive energy.
We’ll see how this goes. I am positive that I will continually improve to the point that I can attract more positive effects in my life. Maybe you should try it too. If you want to learn more about the “law of attraction”, check out these books. As a note, some are out of copyright and free to read:
- “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
- “Ask and It is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- “Your Invisible Power” by Genevieve Behrend (read for free)
- “Prosperity” by Charles Fillmore (read for free)
- “The Abundance Book” by John Randolph Price
Very interesting. I totally believe this. I think that the way you look at something can turn a negative into a positive as well.
Wow, I could follow the “If you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything at all” but to actually not even THINK negative thoughts would be REALLY hard!
I am really not sure how to go about keeping from thinking about them, and it is so easy to complain about things with other people, this could be interesting.
my negativity at work makes it easier to deal with the braindead inbreds.
take that away, and you take away my soul 🙂
if this is true, i think i’m in for a $hitload of trouble tomorrow….i about *lost it* at 4 different points today – all due to poor customer service and poor money management (not my own, of course 🙂 ).
2morrow, i shall start!
you’re not the only one onto this idea:
works well!