I don’t sell (or give away) email addresses
I thought it was just me, but I guess Flexo over at Consumerism Commentary also got pinged by a slimy spammer for an email list as well as demographic info (I guess all I could come up with would be IP addresses).
Well, I’m here to tell you that I do not, have not and will never give away any of your email addresses. I don’t care if it’s another blogger asking for a fellow PF blogger’s email, or a spammer looking for a list, my policy is to never give out my readers’ information. That includes your email address, IP information, or name (via private communications).
And I would expect the same from all other bloggers whose sites I have visited and commented on.
So, don’t ever ask me for any email address other than my own.
I agree with your expectations that pf bloggers should not be selling email addresses. I would not do that in any fashion. I would hate for my email to get in the hands of spammers. I get enough as it is anyways!
Ah come on! sell! 😉 That’s pretty bad…I have not been contacted yet but I wouldn’t either. Thanks for sticking to your principles
Thank you! I feel saver now. I wouldn’t sell it either and hope that mine hasn’t been sold!
Ditto, I completely agree with you!
That’s why you always read the site’s Privacy Policy before commenting with your real e-mail address. If the site doesn’t have one, don’t comment. If it does, READ it to make sure they don’t say something like “we will most definitely sell your e-mail address if you comment, but you probably won’t read this anyway.”
Punny, I knew you would chime in with that 🙂
I forgot to highlight my own privacy policy (see footer for the link). I’ve been planning on making a consolidated Policies page with my comment, privacy, disclosure and any other relevant policies.
Do a search on “geo ip” and you can get some tools that give you a location for an ip address. Try http://www.hostip.info/ for instance.