Don’t forget: Commission-free eTrade stock trades today!
If you have an account with eTrade Financial, you may want to take advantage of their commission-free trades today. For me, that’s a savings of $12.99 per trade, which really helps with my rate of return since I do low volumes.
Here’s the blurb from the eTrade email:
Unlimited commission-free trade offer is valid for trades entered by E*TRADE Securities customers in U.S. stocks, options and futures from 8:30 PM EST on 12/18/07 to 8:30 PM EST on 12/19/07. Unlimited commission-free trade offer is valid for trades entered by E*TRADE Securities customers in non-U.S. stocks from 5:30 PM EST on 12/18/07 to 5:30 PM EST on 12/19/07. This offer does not include commissions on trades in mutual funds or fixed income securities, but does apply to options contract fees.
I’ve put in a buy order for 19 shares of PBW, which is an Exchange-traded fund (ETF) for clean energy. That order will give me 99 shares of this fund. If you’re wondering, I just deposited my last $500 for our Roth IRA last week. That gives me the full $4000 for the year.
Oh, I guess that should remind you to meet your Roth IRA limit before year-end too!
I’m still using a brokerage firm, but am looking into switching to a service like etrade or scottrade..what are the normal stock commissions they normally charge? And how often do they give this one day deal with no commission for the 1/2 hour after trading hours??- Thanks! Love the site- Sabrina