Back on the Mend: Needles in My Back
Just a quick update that my back is feeling better, plus this morning I got some “Medial Branch Block” shots in my lower back. You can see the 4 needles in my back from the x-ray below. The doc had to use an xray to position the shots as close to the nerves (based on vertebrae location). The shot is meant to calm down my back nerves to get them to release my muscles so I’m not spasming and cramping.
While he used 4 needles, he punctured 8 times, as evidenced by the bandage I removed. The skin is sensitive where he stuck me, but I’m able to walk upright like the homosapien I am, rather than hunched over like a neanderthal. I still have sciatic pain in my left left when I walk (more than before), but with proper stretching, exercise and posture, I’ll be back to normal soon (hopefully).
Sciatica is terrible. I suffer from it several times a year. I can’t even blame it on aging, as I’ve had this problem since my mid-20’s. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
I hope you heal quickly!
– Nate
Wishing you a quick and complete recovery!
Ouch, that hurts just hearing about it…. but I’m glad things are trending the right way.
Get some rest and come back stronger than ever!
Wow! At least you’ve got a cool picture to remember this ‘lovely’ experience by. Good to have you ‘back.’ 😉 Best of luck on your recovery.
Glad to hear you are on the mend!
How are you doing on your 2009 goals you blogged about on Jan 7th. A quarterly update maybe?
@Danielle, the goal of 30 minutes of exercise twice a week took a hit this last week because of my back, but prior to that I was doing pretty good with walking, cycling and running.
Ouch! I’m sorry you had to go through that but hope it totally pays off (kind of like an epidural – big needle in back that’s well worth it for the pain relief).
Speaking of needles, have you considered seeing an acupuncturist? (Sorry if you’ve mentioned it already, I skim rapidly sometimes.) I’m a believer after all of the research I did on it with regard to fertility before my son was born.
@All, thanks for the support!
@Cathy, I’ve done accupuncture before for my lower back, but it was a bad experience. He didn’t speak much English and just stuck me with the pins then hooked up the electrodes and left the room. Two of them were placed poorly and really hurt, so I had to adjust them myself while avoiding the shock. I didn’t go back.
Bless your heart! Hope you feel better soon.
Ouch! My wife recently had gone and the woman left huge bruises on her back.
Happy healing
That would definitely turn me off too – the experience (and efficacy) certainly depends on the expertise of the acupuncturist! I hope you’re feeling better!