Rise and Grind: Kick Your Week into High Gear with These Monday Motivation Tips

Monday is a word that many people dread, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
While some may view Monday only as the first day of a long work week, others see it as an opportunity. You can start your week off right with the right Monday motivation to get you into the groove.
Read on to find out some motivation strategies to kickstart your week into high gear…
1. Dress It Up
Have a new blouse, sports jacket or tie that you’ve been meaning to wear? Now’s your chance to do it. As a bonus, looking good will help you feel more confident and productive at the office. It turns out attire can have an impact on your self-worth.
If you haven’t gone clothes shopping for a while, maybe it’s time to switch up your wardrobe.
2. Set a Goal
Go into the workday with a mission. If you have a report to finish this week, decide how much of it you can get done in one day.
Don’t make the challenge so easy that it’s mundane, but also don’t take on too much that will overwhelm you. Focus on the task and put your best effort it, but don’t rush through it and sacrifice quality.
You could also prepare a list of tasks for the day to help you decide which ones should be your priority.
3. Prepare a Delicious Lunch
You can slap together a cheese sandwich, but that won’t be much to look forward to. Instead, prepare a healthy meal with your favorite things to eat, and sneak a snack in there too to reward yourself for a productive Monday.
Having a satisfying lunch doesn’t have to cost very much money.
Don’t wolf down the food with the intent of getting back to your desk as soon as possible. Enjoy each bite and take your time. Not only will this be more relaxing, but your digestive system will also thank you for it. It can also help prevent overeating.
4. Plan a Social
Who says socializing at work can only take place on Fridays? You can ask a few coworkers to join you for lunch for some chats about the weekend, or you could even plan to have a drink after work to high five about your accomplishments (or just unwind.)
5. Have Something to Look Forward to
Whether it’s a social after work, a movie date with your significant other, or a recreational sports league, giving yourself something fun to do at the end of the day can help it all seem more worthwhile.
Not only will having something to look forward to power you through Monday, but it has also been shown that this type of thinking can make you happier overall.
It doesn’t just have to be things that you’re looking forward to on Monday evening. Mark your calendar with anything exciting coming up (a vacation, a birthday party, a concert).
6. Assess Your Challenges
It’s quite normal to mourn the end of the weekend. However, if you find yourself dreading going back to work every Monday, then maybe Monday isn’t the problem.
Write down a list of things that might be making you unhappy at work. Perhaps there’s someone particular (or a boss) that is making your job more difficult. Or perhaps the work you’re doing is not challenging or rewarding enough.
Once you’ve identified those issues, you can start finding solutions. Or, you might want to start looking around for a more ideal position. You might need a motivational talk to get you inspired about your next move, which you can find at this site.
7. Get More Done on Friday
Fridays are often a time when the office atmosphere is more casual, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be super productive. In fact, you can take the opportunity to start getting tasks done for Monday that will make the first day of the week sail by easier. Monday you will thank Friday you for doing it.
8. Go to Bed Earlier on Sunday
You packed a lot of fun into two days, and now your body and brain need a rest. Instead of staying up extra later to squeeze out those last few hours of your weekend, you can hit the hay a bit earlier and get some extra rest. This will help you feel more inclined to jump out of bed in the morning.
For some, it can be a challenge to get to sleep on Sunday night, due to work stress or adjusting from a busy weekend. However, by being active during the day and winding down in the evening, you can improve your Sunday sleep score.
If you’re really ambitious, you can figure out ways to make money while you sleep!
9. Engage with Others
Sitting in your cubicle or office and moping through your day isn’t going to help your mood much. Start a Monday tradition that involves bringing in donuts for people to share during a break, for example.
Take some time between tasks to visit someone at their desk and say hello and have a friendly chat. Compare phone pictures from things you did on the weekend. Just be wary not to affect others’ productivity or your own in the process.
Being more social in general has been shown to have health benefits ranging from a stronger immune system to lowered risk of dementia down the road.
10. Unplug on the Weekend
Thanks to mobile devices, you can find yourself reading work emails over the weekend and the feeling of work piling up can make your Monday less bright.
Unless it’s a necessity of the job, switch off your phone or at least promise yourself not to answer work messages until you return to the office. One easy way to achieve this is by turning off push notifications that inform you of incoming texts and emails.
Monday Motivation Is Within Your Grasp
With a bit of change in your thinking and your habits, you may actually start to look forward to Mondays! Well, that might be a tad optimistic, but you should be able to meet Monday head-on and still have some fun while doing it.
Monday motivation ultimately comes from you, so start trying these tips to work smarter and happier. In the meantime, read up on ways to save money during your new Monday movie nights.