Best Debt Articles from Carnival of Debt Reduction #109
Well, I finished the first of two midterms this week, and rascally Anabell from DebtFREE-Revolution hosted this week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction. What a coincidence because some of the test questions were about cost control! Ok, that was a stretch.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorites from the carnival:
- Happy Rock didn’t fall for my ploy to get my readers an easy $250, but I ain’t gonna be a hater (sorry, I tried to sound like Single Ma there). Accountability and friends can save your finances (or lose you an easy $250!).
- Paid Twice explains the term Snowflaking. We’ve all heard of snowballing (we’re doing it to our debt), but I’ve been seeing snowflaking thrown around more lately.
- Grad Money Matters talks about student debt, entitlement attitudes and other thoughts. Debt killed me right out of college and is still killing me. We’re finally out of that original credit card debt, and have plans for the rest of it, but it’ll still take a couple more years to clean up.
Thanks for the mention! I heart the snowflaking.